Extended Replace ================ Purpose: -------- The extendedReplace method does the same thing as the extendedInsert method does except for a REPLACE query (which does a delete first, then an insert) Definition: ----------- :: $this->extendedReplace($strTableName, $arrFields, $params); * strTableName - (string) Table name to update * arrFields - (array) Array of fields * params - (mixed) * Array - 2-dimensional array of values * Collection - An object that implements IteratorAggregate interface and contains an array of objects * Object Array - Just like the collection except a primative array Returns: -------- ``Integer`` Returns the number of affected rows Examples: --------- :: $this->extendedReplace("members", ['id', 'name', 'salary'], [ [1, 'George Foreman', 100], [2, 'Curious George', 1000] ]); // REPLACE INTO members (`id`,`name`,`salary`) VALUES (1, 'George Foreman', 100), (2, 'Curious George', 1000)