Select Count ============ Purpose: -------- The selectCount method returns the resonse to a SELECT COUNT(1) query. Definition: ----------- :: $this->selectCount($strTableName, $arrWhere = [], $arrFlags = []); * strTableName - (string) The table to query * arrWhere - (DBWhere|array:DBWhere) * arrFlags - (array) Returns: -------- ``Number`` Returns the number of affected or available rows Examples: --------- This will return the total number of rows in the members table:: $this->selectCount('members'); // SELECT COUNT(1) AS 'count' FROM members This query will find the number of all the people in the members table that have a name like "%George%".:: $where = new DBWhere('name', '%George%', DBWhere::LIKE); $where->escape = false; $this->selectCount('members', $where); // SELECT COUNT(1) AS 'count' FROM members WHERE `name` LIKE '%George%'