Create Table


This function will allow you to create permanent or temporary tables using a defined structure. There is also a createTableJson method that will allow you to create a table using a defined JSON structure (an example of which can be found in the /examples directory).


$this->createTable($strTableName, $blnIsTemp = false, $strSelect = null)
  • strTableName - (string) What to name the new table

  • blnIsTemp - (boolean) Is this supposed to be a temporary table

  • strSelect - (string|array|DBCreateTable|array:DBCreateTable) The definition of the table
    • String - Usually a SELECT SQL statement to populate the table with

    • DBCreateTable - An individual object for creating a table

    • array:DBCreateTable - An array of objects for creating the table

    • Array - Array of arrays that store the definition of the table:

          'field' => 'field_name',
          'datatype' => '{standard SQL datatypes}',
          'default' => null,
          'option' => '{optional values, e.g. AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, NOT NULL, etc)}'



Returns a mysqli_result object


Create a table with the DBCreateTable class:

$idField = new DBCreateTable('id', DBConst::Key, null, 'AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY');
$nameField = new DBCreateTable('name', DBConst::ShortString);
$emailField = new DBCreateTable('email', DBConst::Email);
$this->createTable('test', false, [

SQL Statement:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(100), `email` varchar(100))

Create a table given an array definition:

$this->createTable('test', false, [
        'field' => 'id',
        'datatype' => 'int(11)',
        'option' => 'AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY'
        'field' => 'name',
        'datatype' => 'varchar(100)'
        'field' => 'active',
        'datatype' => 'tinyint(1)',
        'default' => '0'

SQL Statement:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(100), `active` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0')

Create a table given a SQL SELECT statement:

$this->createTable('test', true, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = '1'")``;

SQL Statement:


Create Table JSON



  • json - (object) a JSON object storing the definition of the table. We recommend a format like the following
    • tables : (array:objects) the table definitions
      • schema : (string) schema you want to put the table in
      • name : (string) name of the table
      • primary_key : (array) array of primary key fields
      • unique : (array) optional array of fields to make “unique”
      • fields : (array:objects) definition of the fields for the table
        • name : (string) name of the field
        • dataType : (string) SQL datatype of the field
        • ai : (optional boolean) is the field an auto incrementing field
        • nn : (optional boolean) is the field a NOT NULL field
        • default : (optional string) what should be the default of the field if not specified in query
        • values : (optional array) array of possible values for enum fields
      • index : (array:objects) specific index fields you want to specify
        • id : (string) the unique ID of this index
        • type : (string) what type of index is this (index, unique, fulltext, or primary)
        • ref : (string) what field does this index reference
    • table_constraints : (array:objects) any table constraints you want to apply
      • schema : (string) the schema
      • table : (string) the table
      • constraints : (array:objects) the constraint definitions
        • id : (string) the unique ID of the constraint
        • local : (string|array:string) local field in the table (FK)
        • schema : (string) the schema of the referenced table
        • table : (string) the table of the referenced field
        • field : (string|array:string) the referenced field (PK)
        • update : (string) action to take when updating the PK
        • delete : (string) action to take when deleting the PK




There are example formats in the /examples directory, but to pass it to the method use something similar to the following:

$txt = file_get_contents('/examples/create_table_json.json');
$json = json_decode($txt);
foreach($json->tables as $t) {

If you have any constraints you want to apply, we recommend looping over the constraints as suggest above after you create the tables:

foreach($json->table_constraints as $tc) {