Extended Insert


The extendedInsert method allows you to create a insert query that you can insert multiple entries at once. Just like the insert method it allows for a optional IGNORE boolean


$this->extendedInsert($strTableName, $arrFields, $params, $blnIgnore = false);
  • strTableName - (string) The table to query
  • arrFields - (array) The field names
  • params - (mixed)
    • Array - 2-dimensional array of values (must have same number of values as fields)
    • String - just like insert can be INSERT…SELECT statement
    • Object - an object that implements DBInterface interface
    • Collection - an object that implements IteratorAggregate interface
    • Object Array - just like a collection, but a primative array
  • blnToIgnore - (boolean) used to decide if it needs to be a INSERT IGNORE



Returns the number of affected rows and sets the “insertID” of the first element


To insert multiple rows, you’ll need to have one array with the fields that correspond to the values you’re inserting (the positions of the elements is important):

$this->extendedInsert("members", ['id', 'name', 'salary'], [
    [1, 'George Foreman', 100], [2, 'Curious George', 1000]
// INSERT INTO members (`id`,`name`,`salary`) VALUES
    (1, 'George Foreman', 100), (2, 'Curious George', 1000)


If you run into problems it is likely because you don’t have an identical number of values as the number of fields.:

$this->insert('foo', ['id', 'name', 'phone'], [
    [1, 'Fred Flintstone', '1'],
    [2, 'George Jetson']

Because the second array only has 2 elements the statement will throw an Exception.