

The insert method builds an insert query to insert a single row into the table. The method uses the second parameter array keys as the table columns so they have to be exactly as they are defined in the table


$this->insert($strTableName, $params, $blnToIgnore = false);
  • strTableName - (string) name of the table to insert the data in
  • params - (mixed)
    • String - Acts like a INSERT…SELECT statement
    • Array - Use associative array field_name => value pairs
    • Object - Implements the DBInterface and has required insert method
  • blnToIgnore - (boolean) used to decide if it needs to be a INSERT IGNORE



Returns the number of affected rows and sets the “insertID” of the first element


This will create an insert query for a single entry to the database:

$this->insert('member', [
    'id' => 1, 'name' => 'George Foreman', 'salary' => 1
// INSERT INTO member (`id`, `name`, `salary`) VALUES
    (1, 'George Foreman', 1)

A 3rd boolean parameters allows you to add a “IGNORE” in the insert just in case the row already exists:

$this->insert('member', [
    'id' => 1, 'name' => 'George Foreman', 'salary' => 1
], true);
// INSERT IGNORE INTO member (`id`, `name`, `salary`) VALUES
    (1, 'George Foreman', 1)